
The best fat loss training exercises

Open the Internet and search for "fat loss" or "weight loss". There must be many videos titled "The five best weight loss moves", "The three fastest fat-burning exercises" or " N small exercises ten minutes before going to bed." , let you practice the mermaid line in one month." Faced with these dazzling array of videos, what should you do? How should you choose the weight loss exercise that is suitable for you?


The truth about fat loss

Regardless of any fasting method, training exercises or fasting aerobics, the reason for your real fat loss is the "calorie deficit" . If you fast but eat more high-calorie foods during eating hours, you may still gain weight. As long as you take in more calories than you burn, you'll never lose weight. Some people may say, "I've been training hard and doing aerobics for several months, why haven't I lost weight?" The most likely reason is that he went to have a big meal after exercise, or rewarded himself with too much beer on the weekend. .


So is there the most efficient exercise to help lose fat?

"Okay, I know I need to be in a caloric deficit, so are there any training exercises that are the most efficient for losing fat?" According to research, fasted aerobics can indeed burn more fat at the moment, but! After exercise, the body will burn less fat to balance consumption . Because the components of our body are constantly being synthesized and decomposed, paying too much attention to what kind of exercise is actually not very helpful for fat loss. What's the answer to the title? Yes, it’s fasting aerobics, but can you definitely lose weight after fasting aerobics? Or not necessarily, you have to maintain a long-term caloric deficit. Another reminder: before doing aerobics on an empty stomach, you must first assess whether you have anemia, hypoglycemia or hypotension. It is also recommended to start with a light aerobic intensity. Unless you have practiced before, don't make your heart rate exceed 150 at the beginning. .


So how to lose fat the fastest?

The fastest way to lose fat is to go to a medical aesthetics clinic for liposuction. But if your pockets are empty and you don’t want to rely on artificial technology, the best option is to exercise appropriately and eat the right diet. Here we emphasize "appropriate" and "correct" again. Too extreme training methods and diets may not be suitable for everyone, and even if you try, you may not be able to stick to them . Even if you only have a calorie deficit of 300 kcal a day, it will be 9,000 kcal in a month (you can lose one kilogram for every 7,700 kcal reduction). In this way, you can lose about 1.2 kilograms of weight, combined with appropriate exercise and a correct diet. , can ensure maximum fat loss and retain the most muscle mass and water.


Final words

Don’t believe those fat-reduction exercises with sensational titles on the Internet. Those KOLs are definitely not so fit because of those exercises. Behind the videos are scenes of them going to the gym to pump iron crazily and eating three meals a day. But you can’t see it. Just arrived.

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